The Branch party on Monday was a blast. Highlight of the party was that Arvid showed up on his four wheeler (he calls it a "moped")! I'm not sure how much I have told you about Arvid, but he is the best. He's an 86 year old man that we visit weekly to bring groceries. He tells us the same stories every week: world war 2, Putin, Jehova Witnesses. etc. We share a spiritual thought every week that goes something like:
Us: "So Arvid what do you think about this scripture?"
Arvid; "Eisenhower, Han var president!"
Anyways, we also helped Arvid cut his grass, and when I say grass I mean weeds, all of which were almost up to my waist. And all Arvid has is this tiny little electric lawn mower and a scythe.
Ole got baptized on Saturday!! We rented out a swimming pool, which was rather expensive, but it was that or a fjord. Ole has come so far since I met him my first day in Tromsø. The atonement works wonders.
This week we are singing a number at a funeral for an old lady in our ward that passed away. No idea what to expect for that, but it should be a cool experience.
I hope you all have a great week! Finally wearing a short sleeve shirt today!
Eldste Parkinson